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Organization: WSHSUB Date: October 15th, 2012

The Appropriations Committee felt that the WSHSUB has done a great job in integrating the newly opened Bear’s Den Pub into its operations and believes that moving forward this should be one the organization’s top priorities over the upcoming year.

Committee members felt that WSHSUB’s focus from a programming perspective should be on late night programming, particularly during the first six weeks of the school year, and efficiency (in terms of dollars spent per student attended). The committee believes that a $2.00/student benchmark could be improve d upon, but that this standard would also be considered looser for events that did provide late night programming options for both younger and upper-class students. Committee members also recognized that while providing events that encouraged the use of less frequently visited spaces within Willard Straight Hall was important, it should not be considered a higher priority than either the efficiency of an event or whether or not the expenditure is incentivizing late night programming.

In regards, to the Bear’s Den Pub, the committee looked very favorably upon the decision to spend a larger portion of the byline funding allocation on not just programming in the Pub but also on long term capital expenditures. Committee members also thought it would be more beneficial to roll out changes in large scale revampings as opposed to rolling additions to the venue.

Committee members also stressed the importance of solidifying the liquor license as soon as possible in order to set reasonable expectations for the price of alcohol. In addition, members of the committee strongly urge WSHSUB to consider its utilization of space in the pub, particularly in the area that could be sealed off and thus provide a smaller venue option for student organizations.

Overall, the committee felt that WSHSUB has dealt with the incredibly difficult challenge of managing the Pub while still maintaining effective operations and believes that the efficient utilization of time and funds on instituting a cultural shift for the perception of the Pub could provide a great benefit to students across campus.

Respectfully submitted,

Roneal Desai ‘13
Vice President for Finance Student Assembly

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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