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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 14 Appendix: Revised Student Assembly Late Night Transportation Survey

1. What year are you?

  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013

2. What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female
  • Other

3. Where do you currently live?

  • North Campus
  • West Campus
  • Collegetown
  • Other

4. During an average school week (between Monday and Thursday), how many times do you walk home alone between the hours of 10pm and 2am?

  • Never
  • 1 or 2 times
  • 3 or more times

5. On an average weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), how many times do you walk home alone between the hours of 10pm and 2am?

  • Never
  • 1 or 2 times
  • 3 or more times

6. One a scale of 1–5, how safe do you feel walking home alone after dark (1 being unsafe and 5 being very safe?

  • 1 (I feel very unsafe)
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5 (I feel very safe)

Blue Light Escort

According to “When a Blue Light Escort is requested, two members of the Cornell University Police Auxiliary will accompany any member of the Cornell community or visitor to destinations on the campus or close to campus.”

7. Have you ever used the Blue Light Escort Service (either the physical Blue Lights or calling 255.1111 for an escort?

  • Yes [go to Q9]
  • no [go to Q8]

8. Which of the following reasons explains why you have not used the Blue Light Escort Service. Mark all that apply.

  • No need - I feel very safe walking home on my own
  • No need - I do not walk home alone
  • Have not heard of this service
  • Unsure how to contact this service
  • I would not be comfortable asking for escort assistance
  • Hours of service do not go late enough at night
  • Locations of Blue Light phones are not convenient
  • Waiting time for escort to arrive is too long
  • Because the escorts are police officers/non-students and I feel uncomfortable
  • Other reason, please specify

9. If you have used the Blue Light Escort Service, how satisfied were you with it?

  • Very dissatisfied
  • Somewhat dissatisfied
  • Somewhat satisfied
  • Very satisfied

10. How satisfied are you with teach of the following aspects of the Blue Light Escort Service?

(very dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, somewhat satisfied, very satisfied)

  • Location of Blue Light phones on campus
  • Waiting time for escorts to arrive
  • Personal manner/professionalism of escorts
  • Hours of service availability

Shuttle Services

The BLUE late night shuttle has been used as a pilot program for a few nights during study week/prelim season. It runs from 10pm through 2am and has pickups at the bus stops near each library every half hour, coordinating pickups with the TCAT bus schedule.

11. Would you utilize a late night transportation shuttle on a regular basis if offered after 10pm to and from the libraries?

  • Yes
  • No

12. Have you ever taken the BLUE Shuttle? Check all that apply.

  • Never
  • September 28–30, 2012
  • September 24–26, 2012
  • May 7–10, 2012
  • December 4–8, 2011
  • May 8–13, 2011

13. What motivated you to ride BLUE? Select all that apply

  • Studying late
  • Socializing late
  • It’s free
  • I would feel unsafe getting home otherwise
  • I wanted a free drip coffee from Libe Cafe
  • I have never taken BLUE

14. If you have not used the BLUE Shuttle, what factors discouraged you from using it?

15. Are the BLUE Shuttle pick-up locations convenient for you? Currently, we have stops around each library.

  • Yes
  • No

16. Where would you add pick-up stops?


Currently, Cornell has around 65 surveillance cameras around campus, only for building or laboratory security, not for monitoring activity for personal security.

17. Does Cornell have sufficient video surveillance on campus?

  • Yes
  • No

18. Would you feel more comfortable with video cameras on campus?

  • Yes
  • No

19. Would you prefer these cameras be event driven (video is only reviewed once a crime is committed) or actively monitored (someone watching 24 hrs).

  • Yes
  • No
  • It depends

20. Are there any locations on campus where you feel video surveillance could be especially valuable?

21. If you would like to be contacted to discuss your answers or to share your thoughts on late night safety on campus, please write your e-mail address here:

22. Please use this space to provide any comments about late night safety on campus.

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715