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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 18: Improvement of Student Assembly Voting Procedures

Sponsored by: Geoff Block ‘14, Alex Bores ‘13, Donald Muir ‘15,

Whereas, the Student Assembly requires a two thirds majority of voting members present for certain important changes

Whereas, the current interpretation makes no distinction between abstaining and voting no

Whereas, student representatives should have a credible ability to remain neutral on these decisions

Whereas, in past assemblies, it is perceived that representatives have hid their antagonistic feelings about a resolution by abstaining

Be it therefore resolved, that in all places in the bylaws, special rules of order, and standing rules where the language calls for a two-thirds vote of members present, the language be changed to two-thirds of those who cast a vote, excluding abstentions, as enumerated below, with the provision that if the number of votes cast does not equal more than 50% of the members of the SA, then the resolution will be tabled until the next week.

‘Be it further resolved, that Article IV, Section 5 of the bylaws be amended as follows,

  • With the concurrence of two-thirds of members who cast a vote, excluding abstentions, provided that the number of votes equals exceeds 50% of the seated voting membership the voting members in attendance, the SA or any of its committees may go into executive session only to discuss confidential matters as defined by this Charter. No policy determinations will be made in executive session. Executive session shall be closed to non-voting, non-executive members of the assembly. Community members may be invited by the assembly to participate in an executive session.

Be it further resolved, that Article XI of the bylaws be amended as follows, with additions in bold and deletions written in strikethrough:

  • These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the assembly by a two-thirds vote of the members who cast a vote, excluding abstentions, provided that the number of votes equals exceeds 50% of the seated voting membership present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting. If less than 50% of the seated members cast a vote, than the resolution will be tabled until the next meeting. Amendments may be presented to the assembly by voting members and by community petition with at least 100 Cornell undergraduate student signatures.

Be it further resolved, that the Committee Guidelines in the Special Rules of Order be amended as follows, with additions in bold and deletions written in strikethrough:

  • 3. Should a committee act unilaterally without prior SA support, the SA may disapprove of a the committee’s action by a two-thirds vote of those SA voting members who cast a vote, excluding abstentions, provided that the number of votes equals exceeds 50% of the seated voting membership present. If less than 50% of the seated members cast a vote, than the resolution will be tabled until the next meeting.

Be it further resolved, that the Committee Guidelines in the Special Rules of Order be amended as follows, with additions in bold and deletions written in strikethrough:

  • 10. Committee members may be recalled for reasons other than attendance by a two-thirds majority vote of SA voting members who cast a vote, excluding abstentions, provided that the number of votes equals exceeds 50% of the seated voting membership present. If less than 50% of the seated members cast a vote, than the resolution will be tabled until the next meeting.

Be it further resolved, that the Rule 3 of the Preamble of the Standing Rules be amended as follows, with additions in bold and deletions written in strikethrough:

  • Rule 3

A two-thirds vote of the Student Assembly members who cast a vote, excluding abstentions, provided that the number of votes equals exceeds 50% of the seated voting membership, present at a meeting shall be required to suspend the Standing Rules.

Be it further resolved, that the Section IV of the Standing Rules be amended as follows, with additions in bold and deletions written in strikethrough:

  • Rule 6

The Appropriations Committee shall decide upon special projects requests over $250 and under $1500 by a majority vote. The SA, at large, may reverse an Appropriations Committee decision to fund amounts over $250 by a two-thirds vote of those who cast a vote, excluding abstentions, provided that the number of votes equals exceeds 50% of the seated voting membership present. If less than 50% of the seated members cast a vote, than the resolution will be tabled until the next meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Geoffrey Block ‘14
At-large Representative

Alex Bores ‘13
Student-Elected Trustee

Donald Muir ‘15
Arts and Sciences Representative

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715