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November 15, 2012 Minutes

Agenda — November 15, 2012
Cornell University Student Assembly
4:45pm — 6:30pm, Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

A. Gitlin called the meeting to order at 4:47.

Members present
S. Balik, J. Batista, G. Block, S. Breedon, I. Chen, A. Chopra, A. Gitlin, R. Gitlin, I. Harris, T. Hittinger, D. Iwaoka, D. Kuhr, J. Lee, G. Lovely, M. Lukasiewicz, J. Mueller, D. Muir, C. Pritchett, P. Scelfo, U. Smith, M. Stefanko, N. Terrones
Members tardy
M. Cho, R. Desai
Members excused
E. Bonatti, G. Braciak, J. Marshall
Also present
Ari Epstein, Amy Edwards, Natalie Raps, Adam Nicoletti

II. Approval of the 11/8/12 Minutes

  • Minutes approved by unanimous consent

III. Open Microphone

  • None

IV. Announcements/Reports

Diversity Community Meeting Update — U. Smith

  • A facilitator was brought in and led a very productive discussion
  • Facilitator mentioned interest in leading a discussion with the SA
  • The SADAC has been staffed!

Alumni Announcement — A. Gitlin

  • M. Cho is working on SA alumni engagement
  • Thinking of doing a program similar to the Daily Sun

Athletics Outreach Announcemnt — J. Weinberg

  • A few home games coming up — the hockey game will be televised
  • Looking for increased SA involvement

V. Business of the Day

Resolution 21: Adoption of a Diversity Plan — U. Smith

  • In response to J. Marshall’s question from last meeting, the Plan now includes a loose and open definition of diversity
  • D. Kuhr: To clarify, voting on this resolution isn’t committing to achieve the goals outlined, but rather to investigate the feasibility of them
  • P. Scelfo: Spoke with ILR Dean — concern with how much it will affect her — how do you expect faculty/staff to handle their work as well as what is outlined?
    • To clarify, the Diversity Plan is for the SA — the only part that involves the SADAC is the investigation of the social justice/diversity/intercultural dialogue requirement — there will be nothing for the University to do outside of the representatives on SADAC
  • J. Batista: Suggests possibly starting a working document on the definition of diversity that the SA can add to. Also, who is the target for the diversity training?
    • The SA
  • C. Pritchett: What role will SACIDI be playing?
    • SACIDI will be the base to get students involved — it will be the venue for which to implement a lot of initiatives
  • J. Mueller: Can you clarify ‘standardization of metrics’? Also, as a heads up, U. Smith has his work cut out for him
    • Standardization will be one of the most difficult aspects of the plan — searching for the best method of analyzing resolution measure inclusion
  • S. Breedon: What tangible goals do you see coming out of this plan this year?
    • Several initiatives are already being worked on
    • Sees training as a very realistic possibility
    • exploring resources to efficiently use them in implementation of the plan
  • R. Desai: Commends U. Smith for the excellent resolution. Encourages heavy involvement of SACIDI and keeping the SA in the loop of the conversation
  • Call to question, seconded, dissent expressed
    • P. Scelfo: A community member would like to speak
    • Motion withdrawn
  • Bill Snyder ‘16 (writer for Cornell Review): What mandates will be coming from this plan? How will you go through with the social justice requirement? Why should Cornell spend resources on the implementation of this plan?
    • There will not be any mandates — the SA is carefully reviewing their methods and ensuring that they are efficiently encompassing all the aspects of the plan
    • The social justice requirement will be a focus of the SADAC — research is currently being done, but currently see the faculty discussing the matter based on a recommendation
    • Will not be using university resources — most will come from SA
  • Call to question, seconded
S. BalikYes
J. BatisaYes
G. BlockYes
E. BonattiAbsent
G. BraciakAbsent
S. BreedonYes
I. ChenYes
M. ChoNot present
A. ChopraYes
R. DesaiYes
R. GitlinYes
I. HarrisYes
T. HittingerYes
D. IwaokaYes
D. KuhrYes
J. LeeYes
G. LovelyYes
M. LukasiewiczYes
J. MarshallAbsent
J. MuellerYes
D. MuirYes
C. PritchettYes
P. ScelfoNo
U. SmithYes
M. StefankoYes
N. TerronesYes
  • Resolution 21 passed by a roll call vote of 21–1−0.

Resolution 22: Orientation Education Program — A. Chopra, M. Lukasiewicz, G. Block, N. Terrones

  • Resolution has been vastly changed
  • They are urging the Orientation Steering Committee (OSC) to help establish a comprehensive program regarding personal safety
  • S. Balik: Have you spoken to the OSC? What was their response?
    • They are very much on board — hope to use momentum from the resolution to get all involved parties in one room to start discussion
  • M. Stefanko: Would this be mandatory? Will it be its own program or will it be mixed in with an existing one? Will this be similar to the ILR colloquialism orientation course?
    • There will definitely be mandatory events to attend — will be working with the OSC to determine how exactly to implement the program
    • Something similar to the colloquialism course would be ideal but it is not the current focus
  • I. Chen: Will this involve transfers?
    • Yes, by ‘First Year,’ they are referring to anyone’s first year on this campus
  • D. Kuhr: Highly commends sponsors — sees this as a great use for byline funding in the near future
  • U. Smith: Questions how this will work into the current fabric, as there are safety programs that already exist. Suggests looking into them, working with them, etc. Have you considered talking with RAs?
    • Do plan on looking at current programming
    • Plan is to educate the RAs and use them as a means to follow up with students after Orientation
  • J. Toledo: Have you considered going through the Greek system and informing the freshmen of the quarter system?
    • No, but it sounds like a great idea — they will look into it
  • G. Lovely: How do you plan to enforce this?
    • Hope to do something similar to tapestry with ID swipes
  • C. Pritchett: How is this different from what is in place? It appears like this program will be a 30–40 minute event — it is reasonable to discuss all these issues in that time span and have an effective impact?
    • Really looking to model Tapestry
    • Want to make an overarching program, but have yet to hammer out the details — possibly two events, maybe one with RAs, etc.
  • D. Muir: Would this be added to Appendix B? Would there be contractual collaboration or is it a recommendation?
    • R. Desai: Would frown upon changing Appendix B for the sake of the implementation of a resolution
    • A. Epstein: Appendix B is usually not opened for changes unless right after the allocation of byline funding — this resolution should be more of a recommendation
  • Call to question, seconded, dissent expressed
    • A. Chopra: Would like more time to speak with Sarah Jones of the OSC to work out more details before the resolution is voted on
    • Motion withdrawn
  • I. Harris: Recommends putting this on a website/emailing to people so that everyone has access
  • J. Batista: Seeing as the sponsors and the OSC are upperclassmen, she encourages them to get the opinion of current freshmen
  • Resolution 22 tabled until the next meeting.

Resolution 23: Restructuring the SA Communications Committee — U. Smith

  • Motion to amend: Add S. Breedon and R. Gitlin as co-sponsors
  • Motion to amend: In the Be it therefore resolved clause, change “The SA VP Public Relations and the SA VP Outreach shall co-chair this committee” to “The SA VP of Public Relations will serve as the chair and the SA VP of Outreach will serve as the vice-chair”
    • Unanimous consent to motions
  • G. Block: Sees this as a great change. On a broader scale though, the SA should be aware of how much effort it has been putting into internal operations and shift some of that to external operations
  • D. Kuhr: Great to see that the resolution calls for involvement of non-voting members, as it is a general fault of government
  • Call to question, seconded
  • Resolution 23 passed by a vote of 23–0−0

Resolution 24: SA Staffing Committee — M. Lukasiewicz

  • Committee Chair Handbook provides a detailed explanation of responsibilities for each SA committee chair
  • The SA Staffing Committee will consist of the SA Executive Board (minus the Director of Elections and the Parliamentarian) and all SA committee chairs
  • Staffing Committee will be responsible for evaluating each committee’s application at the end of every spring term and each committee’s end of the year report
  • U. Smith: Thoroughly commends resolution as it is long overdue
  • C. Pritchett: How does the staffing process work currently? Concern that the SA is overextending itself
    • To clarify, this only applies to SA committees
    • Process of evaluation to ensure that the right people are on each committee
  • Call to question, seconded
  • Resolution 24 passed by a vote of 23–0−0

Resolution 25: Recognition of the Second Annual “A.I.D.S. Awareness Week” - Emily Bick, Angela Lu, Lauren Ritter, Benjamin Gordon, D. Iwaoka, D. Kuhr

  • A lot of really great events planned, including a condom couture fashion show
  • U. Smith: Important hat all SA members attend at least one of the events
  • G. Block: This is exacty the kind of thing that the SA should endorse — direct involvement in recognition of a day/week
  • Natalie Raps: Are events being held in the Bear’s Den?
    • Most are held there — the WSHPUB is funding a lot
    • There will be events held at 626 Thurston as well
  • Call to qustion, seconded
  • Resolution 25 passed by a vote of 23–0−0.

Rules suspended to move Resolution 27 up on the agenda, as it is a time-sensitive issue

Resolution 27: Expanding Availability of the Students Helping Students Grant — D. Kuhr

  • Motion to amend: Add M. Stefanko as a co-sponsor
  • The grant currently gives emergency aid to students on financial aid in the Fall and Spring
  • The expansion would allow the review committee to provide aid over Summer and Winter break
  • The expansion would allow the Chair of the review committee and a few people in the financial aid department to vote and make aid decisions if the body is not able to meet
  • G. Block: Does this apply only to students who are enrolled in the Winter and Summer sessions? Is aid given because there is extra funding or because of an increase in need?
    • Applies to students who are enrolled at Cornell. A student would not be eligible of he/she is on a leave of absence, has withdrawn, or has graduated
    • There have been several cases of need over Winter break — decided to expand to Summer as well
    • To clarify, the grant has its own endowment and is self sustaining
  • A. Chpora: Can you clarify how the applications are reviewed? How are students informed of this grant?
    • Students are first recommended to speak to he Financial Aid Office
    • Applications are filled out without personal details and is voted on
    • Students should be informed through speaking with the Financial Aid Office
  • P. Scelfo: Can you provide an example for what these funds would be used for?
    • As an example, a student needed money to fly home and back for a funeral service. After review of the students’ financial aid situation, emergency funds were granted for the trip
  • D. Iwaoka: In the situation where aid is granted and the student then takes a leave of absence, what happens?
    • If the emergency leads to a leave of absence, the student qualifies for aid up until that point
  • Resolution 27 tabled until the next meeting

Resolution 26: Approval of the Spring 2013 Elections Rules — J. Weinberg, D. Kuhr, Matthew Sloan, Noah Karr-Kaitin, A. Chopra, R. Desai

  • Adjustments from last meeting:
    • Clarification on issue regarding pictures when candidates are running from abroad
    • The application will more clearly delineate the option of a preferred name
  • Elections calendar released (see appendix)
  • C. Pritchett: Disagrees with the rule that the candidate photo needs to be taken at the office
    • To clarify, not having a picture will not preclude a candidate from running
    • Candidates are given 3 weeks (plenty of time) to take their photo
    • Reason for the office rule is to stress egalitarianism
  • Motion to amend: Section A under requirements point 1 reads “Attend at least one SA meeting and register his or her attendance at that meeting with the Director of Elections unless studying abroad”
  • Resolution 26 tabled until the next meeting

A. Gitlin adjourned the meeting at 6:31pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Chelsea Cheng

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715