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April 18, 2013 Minutes

Minutes — April 18, 2013
Cornell University Student Assembly
4:45pm — 6:30pm, Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

A. Gitlin called the meeting to order at 4:50pm

Members present
S. Balik, J. Batista, G. Block, E. Bonatti, G. Braciak, S. Breedon, I. Chen, M. Cho, A. Chopra, R. Desai, A. Gitlin, I. Harris, T. Hittinger, D. Iwaoka, D. Kuhr, J. Lee, G. Lovely, M. Lukasiewicz, J. Mueller, D. Muir, C. Pritchett, P. Scelfo, U. Smith, M. Stefanko, N. Terrones
Members excused
J. Marshall
Members unexcused
R. Gitlin

II. Approval of the 4/11/13 Minutes

  • Minutes approved by unanimous consent

II. Open Microphone

  • None

IV. Announcements/Reports

SAFC Update — Alykhan Bandali and Matty Gruber

  • Looking into new computing system for SAFC funding — choosing between two: OrgSync and CollegiateLink
  • System is in place at 350 different universities and will greatly facilitate processes — looking to have it in place Fall ‘13
  • Deadline for proposals is the 26th — OrgSync is currently being used by the Hotel School — hoping to use that as leverage for a lower price
  • D. Kuhr: What changes might we anticipate if we switch systems?
    • Currently caps are pre-set. With the system caps will be set after applications are reviewed
  • N. Terrones: When will training sessions for the new system take place?
    • Training happens every year so it will be the same process but with the new systems
  • E. Bonatti: Have you been testing the systems? What will be the fee?
    • Have been doing extensive testing — even at first glance it’s noticeably easier than the current systems
    • Set price for purchase and yearly fee for maintenance and continued usage
  • J. Batista: The primary reason for this system is finance, but could its function expand to better student organizations in general?
    • Yes, that is a definite possibility

Codes and Judicial Committee Announcement — P. Scelfo

  • Working hard on policies regarding free speech, especially in response to the protest on Ho Plaza in November

Appropriations Committee Announcement — R. Desai

  • Will be seeing MCFAB, SAFC, and Convocation

Ivy Summit Announcement — J. Mueller

  • The SA is invited to the Ivy Summit at Columbia University this Saturday from 12–3 — looking for SA representation

V. Presentation on the Graduate and Professional Community Initiative by Mitch Paine, President of GPSA

  • Strategic plan for the GPSA — goal was to synthesize the most important issues that the community faces
  • Focus on 8 areas
    • Graduate and Professional Center
    • Career resources
    • Mental health and well-being
    • Family health
    • Diversity and International students
    • Housing
    • Transportation
    • Sense of community
  • Looking to collaborate with the SA and other assemblies on certain goals
  • D. Iwaoka: What would you consider the 3 most important issues?
    • The purpose of coming up with the 8 points on the document was that everything is important

VI. Business of the Day

R.45 Fostering a “United Student Body” — A. Gitlin, U. Smith, J. Batista, Oscar Correia, J. Toledo

  • A. Gitlin yields to J. Mueller for the duration of the discussion on this resolution
  • More logistical details have been added
  • Included charge of membership, weekly aggregate email, religious and academic examples, clarification of the appeals process, sample DIP, and refinement of metrics
  • Motion to amend: USB implementation for byline organizations in year 2013–2014 — push back other tiers accordingly
    • Found friendly
  • G. Block: No problem passing this, but don’t see it actually causing a significant impact. Idea is to inspire genuine interest in diversity, not forcing it with DIPs.
  • R. Desai: In full support of implementation through byline organizations first. While the impact might not be immediately seen, this is a culture change that the SA can provide an impulse for
  • E. Bonatti: What is the system for checks and balances? Metrics seem a bit subjective
    • It is subjective, but the DIPs should pretty accurately reflect the efforts of organizations
  • T. Hittinger: Motion to amend: Add one member of the faith community to the subcommittee
    • Found friendly
  • D. Kuhr: What is the long term vision? Would informal events count? Motion to amend: Combine performance tier with byline organizations for implementation
    • Found friendly
    • Informal events most likely won’t count — must be organized events
    • Idea is to have organizations sit down and have a discussion even if they think they already fulfill the requirements
  • S. Breedon: In full support, but concerned that it will be perceived negatively
    • This is the best and most ideal first step toward reaching a difficult goal
  • M. Cho: What would be the situation in which an organization might lose their SAO recognition?
    • Unsure, but potentially if a group refused to do the DIP and said it was invaluable they might be up for consideration
  • E. Bonatti: What isn’t there explicit international representation on the subcommittee? For all the talk about inclusion, disappointed that there was a failure to include a huge portion of the community
    • Apologize for the slight — it was not intentional
    • Motion to amend: Include a representative from the ISB in the sub-committee
      • Found friendly
  • R. Desai: Motion to amend: Article VI, Section 4.3 strike “chairs of the S.A. Committee on Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives (SACIDI) and S.A. Diversity Affairs Coalition two more assembly members and include five community members”.
    • Found friendly
  • Motion to table until next week, seconded, dissent expressed
    • Vote: 18–4−1
  • Resolution tabled

VII. New Business

Motion to present R.47 before R.46

R.47: Formally Establishing the Collegetown Student Council — Eric Silverberg, S. Balik, U. Smith

  • Made a lot of progress but it’s a bit awkward since they are advocating student life improvements while not having ties to the SA. Requests that they be added as an ad-hoc organization: Cornell Collegetown Student Council
  • D. Kuhr: The majority of the Councils is made up of reps from the Greek community — recommends expanding that to allow for broader representation
  • T. Hittinger: What is the current composition of the council?
    • 8 students with a few exec positions
    • Looking to expand and hope becoming an ad-hoc will facilitate that
  • Motion to move to Business of the Day
  • Moved to Business of the Day by unanimous consent
  • D. Kuhr: Motion to amend: add “at least one of whom must not be in a Tri-council Organization”
    • C. Pritchett: Vehemently disagree as it sounds like discrimination against the Greek community. Everyone in Collegetown faces the same issues so whether or not they are affiliated with the Greek system shouldn’t be a concern
    • Call to question, seconded
    • Amendment passes by a vote of 20–1−2
  • Call to question, seconded
  • Resolution 47 passed by a vote of 23–0−0

Motion to move to Resolution 50, seconded, dissent expressed

  • R.46 is time sensitive
  • Vote: 11–5−4 Move to Resolution 50

R.50: SAFC Funding Guidelines Amendment Spring 2013 — Matthew Gruber, Alykhan Bandali, R. Desai

  • Organizations currently can only apply for funding at the beginning of each semester. Issues:
    • Have to plan out the entire semester ahead of time
    • If you miss deadline then you don’t qualify for any funding
    • Minimal interaction with SAFC
  • Proposal: at least 3 application times per semester with grace periods. This would eliminate special projects requests (it would instead be replaced by an application deadline)
  • E. Bonatti: Recommends having business days during the grace period in the case that an advisor isn’t available
    • The purpose of the grace period is to allow groups time to organize themselves before their hearing
  • D. Iwaoka: Recommends moving up the first deadline
    • Plan to have early 1st deadline, 2nd deadline close to 1st for quick turnover, and other deadlines closer to mid/mid-end semester
  • Resolution 50 tabled until next meeting

A. Gitlin adjourned the meeting at 6:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Chelsea Cheng

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715