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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 13, 2014 Minutes

Student Assembly
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by U. Smith at 4:45pm.

Members Present
S. Ali Khan, S. Balik, J. Batista, Y. Bhandari, G. Block, E. Bonatti, I. Chen, R. Gademsky, I. Harris, M. Henderson, J. Hutson, F. Jimenez, L. Liu, M. Lukasiewicz, S. Lutsic, Y. Ma, N. Mileti, U. Smith, M. Stefanko, T. Talbot, B. Thompson, N. Tulsky, N. Vasko, L. Wershaw
Member Tardy
T. Drucker, T. Hittinger
Member Absent (Unexcused)
A. Zhou
Also Present
J. Berger, A. Mulgia, R. Gitlin

II. Open Mic

No items presented.

III. Announcements and Reports

Appropriations Committee Update — G. Block

  • Started communicating with with the By-Line funded groups

Community Life Committee Update — M. Stefanko

  • Working on initiatives involving dryers on North Campus, among others
  • More updates in the coming weeks

Communications Committee — I. Harris

  • Working on the Cornell Dining app and getting it in app stores
  • This week’s organizational spotlight was SWAG (Scholars Working Ambitiously to Graduate), which recently launched a 10-week curriculum, improving student academic and personal life success

SACIDI Update — L. Liu

  • Reviewed the organizational guidelines resolution
  • Working out how to evaluate DIPs and how to structure a survey to collect feedback

SADAC Update — N. Tulsky

  • Discussed financial barriers to academic programs/off-campus programs
  • Discussed resolution for exam conflict resolution

Dining Committee Update — R. Gademsky

  • One World Caf� is being closed because of poor usage, trying to get the menu items moved elsewhere
  • Working on the previous nutrition information resolution

Elections Committee Update — A. Muglia

  • Election materials are due to the Office of the Assemblies on February 24th
  • There was an error in some of the paperwork, but now everything is correct

FARC Update — M. Henderson

  • Meeting for the first time next week

Recyclemania Announcement — Y. Bhandari

LGBTQ Ally Ambassadors Announcement — J. Hutson

  • Revamping the application process, due date is February 28
  • Changing the obligations and expectations, trying to get more participation across campus

Graduate-Elected Student Trustee Election Announcement — R. Gitlin

  • Materials for the Graduate elected trustee are due March 26, encourage Grads to run

Guest Announcement — U. Smith

  • President Skorton and VP Murphy will be visiting the next meeting, will be given questions that were submitted to U. Smith

IV. Guest Presentation — Tracy Vosburgh, Assistant Vice President of University Communications and Interim Vice President for University Relations

V. Business of the Day

VI. New Business

U. Smith adjourned the meeting at 6:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Brian Murphy Office of the Assemblies

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715