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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Letter to President RE: Resolutions 44 and 50

Dear President Skorton,

I would like to formally communicate to you SA Resolutions 44 & 50.

Resolution 44: Improving Sustainability on North Campus is a Sense-of-the-Body resolution sponsored by Freshmen Representatives Seth Lutsic, Alex Zhou, Yamini Bhandari, and Nick Mileti on behalf of two community members, Lowell Jackson ‘17 and Sady Ramirez ‘17. The resolution seeks to add additional trash/recycling receptacles in strategic locations on North Campus, similar to R.24, passed in Fall 2011.

Resolution 50: Back to Africana is a recommendation, sponsored by Minority Liaison At-Large Thaddeus Talbot and CALS Representative Lindsay Wershaw. The resolution is a recommendation to extend the hours of the African Research and Studies Center on North Campus. The resolution reflects the results of survey information that was collected and data collected during the trial period of extended hours. You can also view the video that launched the campaign to extend the hours in the fall here.

The resolutions and supporting documents are attached for your reference.



Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715