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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

May 1, 2014 Meeting

Student Assembly
Thursday, May 1, 2014
4:45–6:30 p.m
Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room

I. Call to Order

U. Smith called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m.

Members Present
S. Ali Khan, S. Balik, J. Batista, Y. Bhandari, G. Block, E. Bonatti, I. Chen, R. Gademsky, I. Harris, M. Henderson, T. Hittinger, J. Hutson, L. Liu, M. Lukasiewicz, S. Lutsic, Y. Ma, N. Mileti, U. Smith, M. Stefanko, T. Talbot, B. Thompson, N. Tulsky, N. Vasko, L. Wershaw
Members Absent (unexcused)
T. Drucker, F. Jimenez, A. Zhou

II. Approval of Minutes

Minutes not introduced.

III. Open Microphone

A community member distributed a survey to members.

IV. Announcements and Reports

SADAC Update�N. Tulsky

No report

Appropriations Committee Update�G. Block

  • Last meeting held this Monday, acknowledged significant accomplishments.
  • About to begin implementation of infrastructure fund.
  • A. Gitlin and others are planning an SA reunion in NYC. Tentative date is Friday, June 13.

Communications Committee Update�I. Harris

  • Organizational Spotlight recognizing 626 Center for Intercultural Dialogue.
  • The staff of 626 expressed appreciation for the recognition.
  • They enjoyed working with the SA and look forward to working even more closely in the future.

Community Life Committee Update�M. Stefanko

  • Looked over the mascot and TCAT resolutions.

SIFT Announcement�N. Mileti

  • Spoke with President’s office, they will fund an energy cost cutting initiative.
  • U. Smith reminded members of tomorrow’s meeting in 401 Physical Sciences.

Prior to Vice President S. Murphy’s arrival, R. 73: Changing the SAFC Commissioner Cap to Address Increasing Budget Requests was approved by unanimous consent.

V. Vice President Susan Murphy

  • G. Giambattista announced Annie O’Toole as the newly elected Graduate Student Trustee.
  • S. Murphy asked members and constituents to weigh in on the Presidential Search Committee’s criteria.
  • Regarding TCAT, not clear what direction the administration will choose since the UA resolution passed. Solution could range from removing the free first year pass to increasing the cost of the Omni Ride pass to renegotiating with TCAT.
  • An SA member: Will cutting free TCAT passes result in a reduction in TCAT employment?
    • Murphy: Not likely, but can’t say for sure. It would be more likely that TCAT not meeting its budget obligations would result in staff reduction. This question is better answered by the TCAT board
  • S. Murphy next addressed graduate housing. There is no intent on reducing housing available for undergraduates where their demand remains high. Grad housing remains a pressing issue without a good solution identified.
  • University looking to partner with a private firm for the replacement of Maplewood.
  • U. Smith: A concern is an increase in competition for housing in college town from graduate students.
    • Murphy: With the new zoning recently approved, significant college town development will hopefully be seen.
  • S. Murphy next addressed the MGLC funding gap. There is no solution to this yet. They can possibly partner with ALANA.
  • An SA member asked S. Murphy to comment on, in the context of a new class entering, how the student experience has changed in recent years.
    • Murphy: Class of 2018 will enter a class speaking more openly about issues including sexual violence prevention.
    • They will be committed bystanders.
    • Campus climate studies will focus the university in a more collaborative way.
    • Hope to see an increase in public engagement.
    • Class of 2018 will graduate with an even more diverse campus than they entered into.
  • M. Lukasiewicz noted the White House’s recent release of their first report on sexual violence on college campuses. She asked what actions the university is planning on taking as a result.
    • Murphy: We are working with M. B. Grant to complete the transition to Policy 6.4. Questions regarding staff training and process timing remain.
    • Also looking at recommendations from various committees.
    • Looking to make a web based tool.
    • Goal is for every student to have some sort of exposure to these topics in an educational forum by the end of their first year.
  • A community member asked S. Murphy what her opinion is regarding the feeling some have that the assemblies do not have the power they require to effectively meet the demands of their role.
    • Murphy: I still believe in the shared governance system and want it to be as strong as possible. She addressed the SA in particular.
    • Biggest place to improve the SA is to help it find appropriate venues for issues to be heard. Not every issue requires a resolution or discussion at a formal meeting, but students should feel able to bring any issue to the SA.

VI. Business of the Day

R 76: Verifying the Fall 2014 Election Rules

  • An amendment to strike the word ‘pages’ from Article I, Section C, 5.3 and adding an exception in the requirement of UUP forms for outdoor events was approved 19–0−0.
  • There was dissent when a member called the question on the resolution so the assembly voted to vote. By a vote of 8–11–3 the assembly returned to discussion.
  • S. Ali Khan made a motion to strike Article II, Section B, 2. U. Smith called the question on the amendment. It failed 6–13–4.
  • There was again dissent when a member called the question on the resolution so the assembly voted to vote. By a vote of 3–18–0 the assembly returned to discussion.
  • E. Bonatti proposed an amendment to disallow campaigning within 100 meters of a poling place. Unsure of the length of a meter, members proposed 150 feet and then, finding this too far, 25 feet. This amendment was approved with a vote of 21–0−0. A member then called the question on the resolution. R 76 was approved by a unanimous roll call vote.

R 78: Approving SAFC Co-Chairs and VP of External Operations

  • E. Bonatti asked how the people were selected.
    • They are selected by an internal election.
  • The assembly voted to approve the resolution by a vote of 24–0−0.

R 83: Amended Addressing the Student Activity Fee Endowment Fund- Charter Change #1

  • G. Block added a friendly amendment that prevents projects from being funded more than once. He also noted that attempts should be made to get project allocations matched by building managers to extend the reach of the endowment.
  • Also, as a commission, it will have to create a charter.
  • E. Bonatti asked to add a provision that would require recipients of funds to furnish a report outlining how distributed funds were used.
    • G. Block said this was agreeable.
  • G. Block asked to table the resolution until the meeting tomorrow. There was dissent so the assembly voted. By a vote 11–11–1 the assembly returned to discussion.
  • N. Vasko asked about the mechanics of fund distribution. He wondered if the money is to be given to facilities, students, or another group.
    • G. Block responded saying the money resides in a funds functioning account, accruing interest but not managed by commission members. Likely, money would be moved into a building manager account to fund projects.

R 81: Amendments to the ALANA Constitution

  • ALANA representatives introduced the constitution as a fair compromise meant to increase transparency.
  • Amendments to Articles 9 and 11 were presented. The amendment to Article 9 was unanimously approved.
  • The ALANA representatives summarized the amendment to Article 11.
    • Allows for the transfer of surplus funds between umbrella organizations.
    • M. Stefanko asked at what point in the year organizations could begin querying for funds.
  • ALANA: This has not been specified.
    • N. Mileti asked how organizations would be made aware of available surplus funds.
  • ALANA: Representatives of the umbrella organizations meet regularly and would discuss this in their meetings.
    • G. Block worried that this would cause competition among umbrella organizations. For example, one organization may feel as though another is telling it that it does not need the funds it has left or will not use them effectively. He suggested readjusting allocations annually instead but noted, however, that he would be more comfortable with the amendment if the umbrella organizations themselves approved of the plan.
  • ALANA: The organizations are in fact advocating this plan.
    • N. Vasko suggested requiring the organizations to volunteer their remaining funds when they are ready. I. Harris added a concern that organizations may become less incentivized to collaborate with groups outside ALANA.
  • ALANA: The nature of ALANA is to engage the community. Also, organizations would have more money to offer.
    • U. Smith tabled the amendment so that the text of the changes could be distributed.

R 84: 2014–2016 Appendix B

  • G. Block introduced the major changes to the rules and regulations that affect all student groups on campus. These included better attendance tracking and methods for ensuring liaisons are properly fulfilling their responsibilities.
  • U. Smith expressed concern that the requirements pertaining to bringing in new members may be difficult to comply with.
    • G. Block: Organizations are only required to consider what actions they could take to be more inclusive.
  • ALANA representatives made two amendments that would be officially considered at tomorrow’s meeting.

R 80: Changing SAFC Guidelines to Reflect USB Changes

  • N. Tulsky noted this resolution is to be considered in conjunction with R 79: Updating United Student Body.
  • Changes included grammatical adjustments and clarifications that examples provided were not exhaustive. Also, SACIDI was derailed by the workload resulting from creating written reviews of every diversity plan. This resolution assigns this task to a specific working group.

VII. Adjournment

U. Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Noah Wegener Clerk, Office of the Assemblies

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715