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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

New Policies

This page includes recent policy changes in effect for the current and previous semester. A longer history of policy changes is available at the end.

General Changes

  • Funds are granted on an annual rather than per-semester basis. In the fall application, organizations may request funding for events and expenses that will occur in the spring semester. Any SAFC funds that remain unspent at the end of the fall semester will be available for use throughout the spring semester. However, to limit the risk of those incurring expenses or signing contracts on the organization’s behalf, an organization should always consult with the SAFC if they wish to apply allocated funds to an expense that was not part of the organization’s original request before entering into any financial or contractual obligation that depends on SAFC funding. Cuts and caps will be on an annual rather than semesterly basis. Organizations may thus obtain all needed funds or the maximum allowed allocation by applying just once (in the fall semester) where it was previously necessary to apply twice (in both the fall and the spring semesters). Organizations may still apply for funding in the spring regardless of whether they applied for funding in the fall semester.
  • Separate jointly organized event budgets are no longer permitted. Organizations wishing to request funding for a jointly organized event may claim separate expenses for the same event in their respective regular budget or special project application. The maximum honorarium funding for local events has been raised to $5,000, which was formerly only available for separate co-organized budgets.
  • Hearings are different. SAFC will review applications and release preliminary allocations without conducting hearings. Instead, organizations wishing to dispute a SAFC rationale or to present additional required by SAFC will have the option to request a hearing after receiving the preliminary allocation. Organizations may not appeal a SAFC allocation decision to the SA unless they first complete a hearing with SAFC commissioners.
  • Organizations may request funding for the next academic year before the current one ends. (effective starting in Spring 2012) Starting next semester, the SAFC will provide a spring opportunity for organizations to apply for funding that will become available for the following academic year. Organizations will thusly be able to know their allocations before classes start in the fall semester, starting with Fall 2012.

Local Events

  • The limit for honoraria is now $5,000.

Travel Events

  • Organizations must provide documentation of both the dates and locations of the event.
  • Events within 400 miles of Ithaca will not be subject to the $1,500 allocation limit even if they occur in Canada.

Durable Goods

  • An inventory report form is required for all organizations seeking durable goods funding that have previously acquired inventory with SAFC funds.
  • Purchase of video games is prohibited.
  • Organization must identify an on-campus location where durable goods are to be stored.

Recent New Policies

Full Policy Record

Please select the semester to see what new policies were issued in that semester:

Contact SAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116